Monday, 12 November 2012

There's seven more where that came from

The Legend of Z'awwww!

For my cake day, I present my friend's Great Dane pup.

I don't long as she stays off WASD.

My friend's Korean Jindo puppy. Absurdly cute.

Corgi all played out

Reddit, meet Elsie, my hybrid cow kitty

Mr. Link Pants

She does this almost everyday in the Summer

My brother's new puppy, Sophie, is a lazy-bones.

My 210 pound Saint Bernard "Henry" as a puppy

I no fish

Lovely I no fish

My best friend likes bagels.

My new job is to take care of these cuties... Super excited!

Meet Cola girl. 8 weeks old.

Baby Platypus'

In honor of Auguste Rodin's birthday, The Thinker!

Excuse me, but your attention doesn't belong to this book.

When we are on the subject of Finnish Lapphunds.

Reddit, meet my new puppy Ronan

My new baby Husky, told her to "Pose for Reddit, Luna!"... I think she'll fit right in

Good...let the grump flow through you

Two best friends

My cat in his chair with his sock

Who says baby cows can't be cute?

I think my kitty has a drinking problem

This is my hurricane kitty Professor Pickle and his attorney, Harvey Frogstein, Esq.

My dog after I got home from college.

Reddit, meet Coal. I call him Coaly.

So my friend's cat has asthma. Poor little bugger.

The World's Smallest Dog

My boyfriend's dog isn't a fan of socialising either.

This is my shitty chihuahua Dobby, I think the name fits

That look...

Lovely That look...

We are hosting Thanksgiving at our new house, so naturally we had to get our youngest cat dressed up for the occasion.

Reddit is seriously lacking some cephalopod love. I give you the cuttlefish!

My cat is prettier than me

She's quite a handful.

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